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Chloé and all of her Grandmothers

Chloé and all of her Grandmothers

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Chloé and “Papa”

Chloé and “Papa”

Chloé and Uncles!

Chloé and Uncles!


Our precious Chloé James turned 1 in June and we could not be more in love with her! When she was first born, I remember feeling the deepest and most pure love for her. Little did I know how much that love would grow in one years short time! Watching her begin to crawl, walk, talk, play, dance, explore.. it’s been incredible. My heart swells in the best possible way everyday, all because of this precious little girl. <3 

Her first birthday was amidst the middle of the current and ongoing pandemic. As a first time mom who wanted to shower my baby with all the love I possibly could, I had to be a bit strategic in planning her big celebration! We needed to keep her safe, keep family members safe, and make the day memorable and all about her! (May sound simple, but we were taking quarantine very very seriously at the time and it almost seemed like a hopeless cause.)

We kept family members to a minimum to keep everyone as safe as possible, had meals pre packaged from Zupas (one of Chloés favorite restaurants,) and made sure  dessert was individual! (Macarons, cookies, and cupcakes!) The food was AMAZING (as always, Zupas just knows how to do it!) And I felt like the family as whole was being smart/safe! 

Her smash cake was a BIG HIT! Chloé is just like her Moma when it comes to sweets! She smashed that sucker right down and gobbled it all up! We got a new high chair for the occasion from Micuna and it was fun to see her smash at it again! (Tbh I could relive her birthday everyday!)

For her first birthday presents I wanted to get her something beautiful, classic, and lasting! Something she could grow with throughout the years! One of her very favorite things, if not her absolute favorite thing, is books. It was clear to Chase and I that a bookshelf would make the most perfect gift! (And it absolutely did!) We got it from Pottery Barn Kids and we’ve all absolutely loved it! We decided on this one because of the cute design and the option for storage at the bottom! 

As first time parents we may have gone a bit overboard with the gifts, but Pottery Barn Kids is just too cute, and I couldn’t resist myself! They had an amazing selection for gifts and toys that were perfect for staying home! They have provided her with endless amounts of entertainment through this ongoing pandemic!

She loves her baby doll, “Baby Leila” and her stroller. She plays with “Baby Leila” daily and loves to take her on walks! She loves feeding Baby Leila the wooden fruits and felt veggies from her veggie garden! She often snuggles in her chair, (it’s so cozy) and you can tell she feels SO BIG when she’s sitting in it! 

We also got her a table and some chairs that she could grow up with! She loves to play on it! (Right now it’s the designated “coloring” table!) Another item we couldn’t pass up is this darling Teepee! This one sadly isn’t available at Pottery Barn Kids anymore, but I will link a similar one HERE! (If the teepee comes back in stock, I will link the original!) Pottery Barn Kids also has some of the most darling pajamas and we had to grab Chloé a pair! (Or two!)

We decorated our home with pictures of Chloe, birthday banners, pink peonies, and balloons galore! The pictures were fun to have as decorations, and we let the guests take any pictures they wanted home with them after the party. The balloons made everything POP if you will! (; They were the cutest/funnest decorations! We had Utah Balloon Creations install them and will be using them for every single party/event from here on out! (Chloé loved them too! The balloons lasted for weeks after and she often played with them!)

Overall, the day was incredible, and I wish we could relive her first birthday over and over again! A big thank you to our partners Pottery Barn Kids, Zupas, and Utah Balloon Creations for making Chloés first birthday in quarantine one to remember! Also, to our friends and family, we love you guys SO MUCH! And lastly, thank YOU! To our readers, followers, and viewers, we love you all and love having you in our Happily Ever Allen! xx|HEA