
First trip as a family of three officially in the books! We took Chloé James to the city, it’s one of our very favorite places! Nothing really compares to New York City!

When booking this trip, Chase and I thought carefully about what we’d be doing and where we’d be staying in the city with a 2 month old baby girl! (We didn’t want her getting sick or too hot!) We found the PERFECT hotel to stay at though, the Intercontinental Barclay! It’s right on the line of being in mid town & the upper east side, so CLEAN! Our room was spacious and big! Much bigger than any room we’ve ever stayed in while in the city! (It was really clean and smelled amazing too!) The Intercontinental Barclay had a beautiful, spacious lobby with food right off to the side, a continental breakfast with all the options, and an enormous crystal chandelier that Chloé James loved to gaze at! (It was so cute!) The staff was incredibly helpful and so so kind! They always said hello to Chloé, helped us with our bags & stroller, and even got the elevator for us! (Talk about going the extra mile!) This hotel is also dog friendly! We thought about bringing PG with us but ultimately opted out considering it was our first time flying and traveling with a baby!

I’m not even going to lie to you guys.. I miss their bathroom! It was so beautiful! It had the prettiest sink, marble countertops, the cutest subway tile, and a mirror perfectly lit to get glammed up! #TakeMeBack! If you’re wanting to visit the city, Chase & I both highly recommend this hotel! Between the incredible staff, perfect location, and spacious suite, it was a 10/10 for us Happily Ever Allens!

Seeing Chloé in the city was honestly the cutest thing ever! You don’t see many babies in New York, so everyone who saw her lit up and smiled! She brought joy to so many New Yorkers! Chloé enjoyed Central Park, soho, the Brooklyn bridge, cab rides, lots of naps, and of course her stay at the Intercontinental Barclay! She also brought some zzz’s to the city that never sleeps! Poor baby girl was so tired! She’s little enough that she can snooze anywhere right now so Chase & I lucked out!

Where should we go next?! Drop a comment below!

Thanks for looking in our first trip as a family of 3! <3 If you want our full NYC HACKS & TRAVEL GUIDE, click HERE! We have previous blog post that we still swear by! xx



The newest member to our “Happily Ever Allen” is finally making her debut! World, meet Chloé James Allen <3 born on 6/6/19, weighing 6 pounds 9 ounces. Chase, PG, & I are so in love with her. Our hearts have grown so much since our little angel decided to join us! <3

I have so much to say and don’t think any of it will come out right. The lack of sleep + mom brain I now have has done me in hahaa! So bare with me on this post and all future posts for the rest of my life! (;

Everyday since Chloé James has been born has been different! Some days are wonderful, others you just want to cry. Being a new baby in this world is so so hard. And being a new parent and figuring out daily life is hard too. It’s like putting together a puzzle that changes everyday and you don’t know what the picture is. Good news though, everyday you at least get one piece of the puzzle solved. <3 It might be different than the previous day, but whatever works today is what we go for!

Chloé was beyond fussy from week 2-6! She’d cry all day, and so would I. The last little while it’s gotten better! Much better! (Thank the dear heavens!) She’s starting to coo and smile, she recognized her daddy, her puppy, and I. She LOVES eating. She would nurse all day if I let her! (And somedays, that’s exactly what we do!) She loves watching Puppy Dog Pals on Disney Jr, loves trees and the outside world, loves getting out of the house, loves her swing, loves her nursery (she stares at everything!) and loves to stare at the TV which we call “the big black square!” She learned how to fake cry at 2 weeks old which is honestly the funniest thing in the world! She’s a great sleeper and only wakes up to eat! (Right now it’s about 3-6 times a night.) Her absolute favorite thing though is being held. She LOVES to be held! (You can’t put her down for anything!) I love that she loves to be held.. I get to stare and cuddle her all day long! <3 She’s been out a little bit, most recently to the swimming pool with her cousin Cruz who is just 3 weeks apart from her! She also has her very first trip coming up in 2 weeks and she’s very excited for that!

Chlo has her own look! She has her daddy’s eyes (spitting image) and my lips!.. Other than that she definitely looks like her own little person! (She kind of looks like my little brother, I need to get a good picture of them together so you guys can see!)

Having Chloé was incredible guys.. I was so worried I wouldn’t know what to do, or that I wouldn’t bond with her right away, and that I wouldn’t be a good mom.. but the second I held her, all my doubts, worries, and fears completely washed away. There’s nothing like holding your child for the first time and looking into their eyes. I don’t know what heaven is like, but to me, being able to hold and see Chloé was it. <3 Pure bliss.

3 weeks leading up to Chloé’s due date, our doctors advised me to be induced. And ASAP! You see, her head was extremely low.. hanging out in the birthing canal! I hadn’t had a single contraction (or even experienced Braxton Hicks,) and I was barely dialated, so I really didn’t want to be induced! I kept hoping my body would go into labor naturally, and didn’t schedule the induction. 1 week before Chloé’s due date it was the same story. Low head, no contractions or braxton hicks, and barely dilated to a 2. My doctor again advised me to schedule the induction, so I listened to the professional and got in on the calendar!

The night before my induction date, guess what happened? That’s right. CONTRACTIONS HAPPENED! And man they are a BEAST! (Women who give birth unmedicated, I salute you!) I won’t lie, I was a little upset I was having contractions! I felt like I finally had made a plan, and things were NOT going to plan! (It drove me crazy!)

I called the nurses about 100 times that night trying to come in. BUT, you don’t get to stay at the hospital unless you’re dilated to a 5. And I was only at a 2 24 hours ago…. there was no possible way I’d be staying.. I just knew I’d get sent home! So I waited it out.. as long as I possibly could.. I took a shower, I bugged Chase all night, a FaceTimed my sister in law, I googled how to stop contractions, I took PG on a walk, I finished packing, I jumped around to help with pain, I crawled around on the floor…. and then a nurse called from the hospital saying my doctor was there and that I could come in! YAAYY!

We got to the hospital, and I kid you not my contractions stopped. HOW EVEN?! A nurse checked to see how far I was dilated and I had gone 1 more centimeter since my last doctors appointment, which means PROGRESS! <3 They took us to our delivery room and I got my epidural (which was absolutely wonderful) and pitocin to help speed things along! For the first little while I was laying on my back which I never do because it’s soo uncomfortable to me! After a few hours of being on my back with hardly any progress, I asked chase to come help me onto my side! I immediately felt better and within an hour was dilated to a 10 + 5! (The nurse was a little wigged out to how I made so much progress in so little time!)

Our nurse told us it was time to push, and after pushing maybe 3 times, she told me to stop and ran to get the doctor! (The nurse thought she was going to slip right out! Don’t worry, she didn’t!) After about 10 more minutes of pushing, our little angel was here. Alive and well and overall perfect. <3 We honestly hadn’t decided on a name for her yet.. we had a handful of names we liked! (Lennon, Millie, Navy, etc.) Chloé was in the bunch as well! The second I looked at her, I thought she looked like a Chloé. Chases favorite name was Navy, so I didn’t tell him because I honestly didn’t want to sway him! She’s both of ours, and I wanted us both to be involved equally with naming her! An hour after she was born our doctor said we probably needed to pick a name, so I asked Chase what he thought. He said she looks like a Chloé and I was SO RELIEVED because I thought the exact same thing!

We stayed at the hospital for 3 days and 2 nights! (All 3 of us!) We wanted to leave the very next day but Chloé needed one more doctors check up, and her pediatrician is closed on the weekends so we stayed! Chloé was a CHAMP! She passed all of her tests, latched the second she touched my skin, and didn’t lose any weight which was amazing! She slept 24/7 in the hospital and had lots of family and friends around her 24/7! It was the best. I love having our loved ones close!

Coming home was the best thing ever. I hate hospitals.. and I’m such a home body! Those first few days at home with her and Chase were some of the happiest days I’ve ever experienced.

Life with Miss Chloé James has been a dream come true for Chase & I. Every day is a new adventure and we can’t wait to experience everything thats in store for us Happily Ever Allens! <3

Thanks for stopping by guys! <3 Y’all are the best!

P.s. below is some of our favorite baby items/must haves! Just click on a pic to shop an item! <3